Sunday, May 4, 2008

Going Mobile

Since the kids learned how to roll over, they seem to be taking advantage of their new skill. Grace now rolls over in her sleep every night and wakes up face down. Dylan still sleeps on his back although occasionally he will flop on his side and then revert to looking upward. Their newfound mobility has lent itself to a medley of different "wake up combinations", one of which is shown below.

And for my next trick, I will pick up my sister while asleep...

Another exciting development is that we're now able to use many of the toys and accessories we've had since a few months before the kids were born! Below is Dylan's first adventure in the exersaucer...

So many options, so little time...

Denise is working today so I get to hog the kids all to myself today. So far our adventures have included a really long walk around the neighborhood, as well as my indulgence in "crazy dad photo rampage". Glad cameras are digital now....paying for film would make me go broke. Here's a photo from this morning before we went on our stroll.

We're smiling now, but dad, would you PLEASE STOP TAKING PICTURES!!!

Spreadsheet man is apparently lurking somewhere in the vicinity. Rumor has it he will emerge by Memorial Day with a new graph to inspire the masses. Dylan was nearly 15 lbs at the last checkup, Grace was slightly above 13 lbs. They're growing nicely.

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