Friday, December 12, 2008
Snow in Houston?
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Turkeys, giraffes, and fish...
Grace's encounter with the kimodo dragon
Monday, November 10, 2008
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Happy halloween!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Got game face?
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Spreadsheet Man is back in business...
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Morning at the Zoo
The eagle has landed...right above the stroller
Sunday, September 21, 2008
The kids' first hurricane!
While we were without power for a week (and without water for 2 days), having a generator and a gas stove at the grandparents place made everything quite manageable. In fact, Denise's mom cooked a great meal every evening, causing us to remark that the "hurricane diet" was not exactly slimming us down! Grace and Dylan did great through the whole week, and really enjoyed their time with the grandparents. After we got power back at our place in Pearland, we returned home.
It was pretty amazing how much energy the hurricane still had even north of Houston. We feel very fortunate that the whole family is ok. We sustained minor damage to our house, but nothing irreplaceable, just inconveniences that can be fixed in due time.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Wedding (and adventures in the friendly skies)
Now for the fun part. On the return flight from Columbia to Houston (2 1/2 hours), I had the privelege of trying to contain the prodigy kung fu master. I'm seated next to a gentleman built like a linebacker quietly trying to read his book, and I surmise it's not in my best interest to have Dylan kick him or throw any toys in his general direction. Being unable to contain the whirling dervish sitting on my lap, I turn him around so he can look up at me, his feet situated squarely above my rib cage, and his head centimeters from the tray table in front of me.
Kick giggle thrash flop toss twist laugh thunk wiggle scratch. Looking across the aisle, the contrast between Dylan and Grace is night and day. Grace is comfortably nestled in her baby bjorn smiling at the passengers behind us. So I'm finally getting accustomed to being jostled around when the all too familiar smell that I did NOT want wafting toward me (at least until we were wheels down in Houston) arrives. Nice -- well, this part wasn't explained in any of the parenting books.
I attempt to share the interesting news with Denise across the aisle as discreetly as possible, but Denise starts cracking up. And despite the awkwardness of the task before me, I can't stop laughing either. So armed with a changing pad, a diaper, and a box of wipes under one arm, and Bruce Lee under the other, I make the journey down the aisle to the bathroom. Surveying the crowd amongst the rows, most people are asleep, while others glance sympathetically.
It should come as no suprise that never in the english language has the phrase "Look how spacious that airplane bathroom is!" been uttered. Airplane bathrooms are small. And if you're 6 foot 4 like me, you can't even stand up. So I'm already envisioning the task before me -- in this gently bouncing box at 34000 feet -- will be a stunt of Houdini-esque proportions.
Fortunately, Dylan is rather still through the diaper changing exercise, in which I've got him sprawled on top of the changing pad that I've placed over the (closed!) toilet lid. I'm hunched like Quasimoto and holding my breath in this petite, self-contained box with minimal ventilation and a poopy diaper. Ok, mission accomplished with the diaper change, but I still have to escape the confines. Because the bathroom door only opens inward, and my back is to the door, the most effective way I can get both of us out without risking Dylan dropping on the floor (and also have one hand available to pick up the changing pad and wipes) is to sit on the toilet with Dylan in my lap and open the door toward both of us. So I open the door toward us, with Dylan (who is just giddy about his recent adventure) and I fully clothed sitting on the toilet. I look straight ahead and there are two passengers seated directly ahead of us in the last row, not more than 4 feet away. Awkward. If you've seen "A Fish Called Wanda", it was vaguely reminiscent of the fake flush scene when Otto breaks into Ken's place.
Relieved that the episode is over, I triumphantly tell Denise the battle has been won. And for the next 30 minutes, Dylan plays with his toys and continues to place me in mortal danger by nearly kicking my neighbor the linebacker. And then, I observe this strained look on his face, followed by an open-eyed look of relief that can only mean one thing. I tell Denise what I think has just transpired. This time, she blurts "Again?!" in absolute hysterics.
So I pack up the equipment for another journey to the nanobathroom. The looks of sympathy are more sincere now as I trudge past the aisles. Now I know the drill -- enter, change, sit, pull door, look awkwardly at the two passengers right in front of us. I return to my seat hopeful that Dylan won't pull off the triple crown, and fortunately he doesn't. 10 minutes before landing, he falls asleep.
Quite an adventurous return journey, and not the events I was hoping for at the time. But it does make for a fascinating anecdote. And I will never forget those moments I spent with my son on September 7, 2008 -- the day of 2 diaper changes at 34000 feet.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Dylan's First Haircut!
Monday, August 25, 2008
Taking a stand
In other news, both Grace and Dylan are quite enamored of their new toy piano. I'm glad that mom knows what toys to get.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
8 months old
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Fun at mealtime
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Before and after
Monday, July 21, 2008
Recycled prunes and more
Okay, this last shot is just for grins. Baby bums are cute.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Let the games begin
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Be wary....
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Happy 4th of July!
Afterwards, we introduced Grace and Dylan to water sports. Specifically, maxing and relaxing at poolside. Clearly, Dylan has this mastered already.
On Saturday, we joined our friends the Machs and Orsis at their place on Crystal Beach, where Dylan and Grace got their first introduction to the ocean (Gulf of Mexico).
It was a terrific weekend for the entire family!
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Close to crawling
Friday, June 20, 2008
We're one year old (collectively)!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Dylan has no idea why you are looking at his blog!
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Having twins is AWESOME!
No, really, that's it...the storytelling skills are a bit lackluster can go back to checking your email now. Please disperse, nothing to see here.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Just peachy
The enthusiastic attitude of certain young man (who will remain nameless) generally plays out like this: "This stuff is GREAT! What's taking you so long? Give me the spoon! Ok, I'll let you put this spoonful in my mouth....hey, aren't more peaches here yet? Here, I'm grabbing the spoon now. This stuff is delicious! Hey, why are you taking the spoon away from me? Whaaa! Mmm...crafty move there dad, putting food in my mouth while I'm crying...that's pretty yummy. Hey, give me the spoon! Look how strong I am! Oops, sorry about that dad, didn't mean to fling peaches on your tshirt...why are you smiling? Put some dreft on it and wash it in...hey, can I still eat that? these are good...this restaurant is 4 stars. Hey waiter, how about some more peaches? I'm a growing boy!"
A certain little girl has a decidedly different approach: "Look at how I can puff up my cheeks! Here, I'll put the peaches on my hands and then eat them off there, that's tastier than the peaches on the spoon. Plenty of time before naptime...I'll just keep nibbling for a while."
In unrelated news, check out some scenes of the week...
Nothing like some couch time at the end of a tough day
I'll be crawling soon!